Blog Archive

Can You Stretch and Strengthen Your Way to Fewer Injuries? Oct 1st, 2024

Whether you’re an athlete or you just like to be able to walk the dog and play with the kids, injuries aren’t welcome in your life. The freedom you get when you can move without pain is one that you want to safeguard, which is why you should consider adding...

Let's Debunk Common Stem Cell Therapy Myths Sep 1st, 2024

The human body is full of marvels, and stem cells are perhaps the biggest. These cells are the building blocks upon which all human life is formed as they transform and multiply to build a body from the ground up. One of the brass rings of medicine is to tap...

PRP Therapy: A Great Solution for Tendon Injuries Aug 1st, 2024

To move around, your body relies on 4,000 tendons — strong connective tissues that attach bones to muscles. If one is damaged, not only is your mobility affected, but you also have to deal with the pain and discomfort that often accompanies tendon injuries. When it comes to tendon damage,...

Hey, Men — Rev Up Your Sex Life With the P-Long Protocol® Jul 2nd, 2024

The debate about whether size matters is an ongoing one, but the one thing we know for sure is that how men feel about their penis is important. If you believe that your penis isn’t long enough, wide enough, or both, it used to be that you just had to...

The Link Between Weight and Chronic Pain Jun 1st, 2024

Each morning, you get out of bed cautiously to figure out how much your chronic pain is going to impact your day. On good days, you can move around and enjoy life a little, but on the bad days, life isn’t all that cheerful. Making matters worse, you’ve gained some...

5 Strategies to Protect Your Health As a Man May 1st, 2024

Did you know that nearly 14% of American men 18 and older are in either fair or poor health? Or that 6 out of 10 American adults have a chronic disease? Additionally, these numbers tend to skew higher with age. If you’re reading this blog because you want to make...

3 Reasons You May Need a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Apr 3rd, 2024

Imaging technologies like X-ray have been around since the late 1800s, and it’s no exaggeration to say that they were game changers in the world of medicine. While X-ray still remains a great workhorse, newer technologies like ultrasound — first used in the 1950s — have advanced diagnostic capabilities even...

5 Injuries Stem Cell Therapy Can Help Treat Mar 15th, 2024

Being laid up with an injury is never a good thing, and you’re worried about possible long-term complications from the damage. You want to do whatever it takes to heal quickly and strongly, getting you to the other side with the least amount of problems. Time and patience are certainly...

PRP and Early Fracture Care Feb 1st, 2024

Humans are no strangers to broken bones — in 2019, there were about 178 million new fractures worldwide and 455 million cases of short- and long-term symptoms of fractures. In other words, hundreds of millions of people have broken bones, and it's safe to say that each and every one...

I'm Ready to Get My Weight Under Control: Can You Help? Jan 16th, 2024

Given that nearly one-third of adults in the United States are overweight and more than two out of five adults tip the scales into obesity, it’s little wonder that losing weight tops so many resolution lists each year. If you want to join the movement and take charge of your...

How PRP Therapy Can Help a Sports Injury Dec 1st, 2023

For athletes, sports injuries are never welcome news. Being sidelined by a sports injury is frustrating, yet you understand the risks of pushing yourself too hard too soon. Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román and our team at No Mercy Sports Medicine in Miami, Florida, spend a good deal of time helping patients...

What Can I Do About My Low Testosterone Levels? Nov 6th, 2023

Men naturally lose testosterone as they age — about 1% a year, starting after age 30. This gradual decline is perfectly natural and typically doesn’t lead to a clinically significant testosterone deficiency until much later in life.  Yet scores of men are being diagnosed with low testosterone (low T), even...

Relieve Symptoms of Menopause With Hormone Replacement Therapy Oct 1st, 2023

On paper, the transition through menopause may seem straightforward enough — your ovaries stop releasing eggs and producing hormones. How this seemingly simple process plays out, however, can be anything but smooth. Hot flashes during the day, night sweats that prevent sleep, vaginal dryness that renders sex uncomfortable — these...

Healing Faster and Stronger With Platelets Sep 1st, 2023

Whether you’re dealing with a ligament injury in your knee or you have a shoulder that’s grown stiff and painful thanks to repetitive use, you want answers — and solutions — sooner rather than later.  The human body often sticks to its own pace when it comes to healing, which...

5 Great Bone Health Hacks Aug 1st, 2023

If you think that bone loss is only the domain of women, think again. Around 2 million men in the United States have osteoporosis, and another 12 million are at risk for this serious condition. As a result, up to 25% of men over age 50 will break a bone thanks to...

4 Steps to Boost Your Sexual Health Jul 5th, 2023

The team at No Mercy Sports Medicine, led by Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román, understands very well that your sexual health is an important aspect of your overall health. As men’s health experts, we also understand that millions of men face problems in this area — erectile dysfunction (ED) alone affects between one-third and one-half of men in...

Been Out of the Game for a While? Here’s How to Ease Back Into Activity Jun 1st, 2023

Americans are no strangers to sports injuries — in 2021, 3.2 million people were treated in emergency rooms for sports-related injuries. If you’re lucky, you’re only benched for a week or two and you can get back into the game fairly quickly. If you’ve incurred a more serious sports injury, the rehab...

4 Musculoskeletal Issues That PRP Therapy Can Help Treat May 1st, 2023

Did you know that 2 million people suffer an acute sprained ankle each year in the United States? More alarming still, 58.5 million adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis, and this number is expected to jump to nearly 78.5 million by 2040. And these statistics are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to...

5 Effective Ways to Slow Down Arthritis Apr 1st, 2023

Osteoarthritis (OA) starts out slowly enough — you feel an ache in your joint after activity. All too soon, however, the ache and stiffness become constant, and unwelcome, companions. You’re not alone. More than 92 million people in the United States struggle with doctor-diagnosed arthritis or arthritis symptoms. The good...

Why It's So Important to Have Your Joint Pain Properly Diagnosed Mar 2nd, 2023

Outside of deep sleep, your joints are constantly working, allowing you to function in the world around you. Thanks to this enormous workload, almost everyone encounters joint pain at some point in their lives. Anytime your body is in pain, it’s protecting itself, so that is one message you ignore...

When to Consider a Medical Cannabis Evaluation for Chronic Pain Feb 2nd, 2023

Each day, chronic pain is casting a long shadow over your life, and you long to break free from the discomfort. Did you know that about one in five people in the United States faces the same battle? While there may be some comfort in knowing you’re not alone, it...

5 Ways to Boost Performance in Men Jan 5th, 2023

You used to jump out of bed in the morning, ready to take on the day, but now you don’t feel that same energy. This lack of motivation plagues you throughout the day, and you may skip your golf date with friends or date night with your partner. Sure, aging...

How PRP Therapy Can Help Relieve Chronic Knee Pain Dec 13th, 2022

Walking down the street — never mind getting out on the links or on the court — has become an exercise in discomfort thanks to chronic knee pain. Dealing with knee pain places significant limits on your life at times, and you’re tired of being imprisoned by achy joints. If...

Struggling to Lose Weight? 6 Surprising Reasons You’re Plateauing Nov 1st, 2022

You cut calories and exercise and you’re delighted to watch the needle on the scale go down. All too soon, however, the needle starts to slow, or stop altogether, and you find yourself on the dreaded weight-loss plateau. The good news is that weight loss plateaus are very common. The...

5 Telltale Signs You Have a Hormone Imbalance — and How to Treat It Oct 18th, 2022

Every second of every day, 50 different hormones are circulating through your body, regulating everything from your appetite to your musculoskeletal health. While most of these hormones are the same in both men and women, reproductive hormone levels in each sex differ considerably. Men have more androgen hormones, including testosterone,...

What Are the Health Consequences of Low Testosterone? Sep 7th, 2022

Testosterone is often described as the hormone that’s responsible for your male characteristics. So it makes sense that, when levels are low, the impact can be widespread.  As experts in men’s health, the team at No Mercy Sports Medicine, led by Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román, understands very well the wide net that low testosterone...

Treatment Options for Your Recurring Pins-and-Needles Sensation Aug 10th, 2022

Most everyone has experienced that pins-and-needles sensation when a certain area of the body “falls asleep,” and then comes roaring back to life with strange and uncomfortable sensitivity. This is perfectly normal, but ongoing problems with pins and needles (or numbness and tingling) may signal a larger problem. If you...

Say Goodbye to Mood Swings With HRT Jul 1st, 2022

Those tiny little chemical messengers called hormones cast a very large net over your health, including your mental and emotional health. This very much includes your reproductive hormones, as a drop in these chemicals can lead to mood swings that affect your quality of life — and those around you!...

5 Common Barriers to Weight Loss May 1st, 2022

A whopping 70% of people in the United States are either overweight or have obesity, sending many on diet cycles that simply aren’t delivering great results. If this sounds familiar, we want to assure you that, while the barriers to weight loss are considerable, they aren’t insurmountable. At No Mercy...

Can PRP Therapy Improve My Recovery After Surgery? Apr 4th, 2022

Your doctor says surgery is your best path forward for regaining pain-free function, but you’re not looking forward to the timeout that recovery requires. It used to be that you had to wait it out and go at your body’s healing pace, but with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, we can...

5 Causes of Reduced Performance in Men as They Age Mar 1st, 2022

While you may automatically assume that “reduced performance” pertains to your sexual health, the reality is that age affects your overall performance, whether in the bedroom or out on the playing field. This loss of performance is perfectly natural, but thanks to a better understanding of the aging processes, we...

How Regenerative Medicine Can Improve Joint Health Feb 2nd, 2022

You wake to achy knees every day, or you’re struggling to move around because of hip arthritis. Joint pain is incredibly common in the United States — more than 92 million people have doctor-diagnosed arthritis or arthritis-like symptoms.  Arthritis is a catchall term for more than 100 different diseases that...

Using Stem Cells in Therapy to Help Treat Your Chronic Pain Jan 13th, 2022

You wake every morning wondering how much your pain is going to interfere with your day, and you’re understandably sick and tired of the constant battle. While there are many ways interventional medicine can help you tackle chronic pain, these measures do little to address the underlying problem.  If you...

How Can My Sports Medicine Doctor Help Me Get In Shape? Dec 1st, 2021

Perhaps age is catching up with you or your stress levels are at an all-time high, but you’re feeling worn down and out of shape. With the new year on the horizon, you want to make some serious changes to help you feel better, physically and mentally, and getting in...

Want to Improve Your Sexual Performance? Try a Male Medicine Solution Nov 1st, 2021

Whether you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction — a problem that affects between one-third to one-half of men at some point during their lives — or you just feel like your sexual performance is waning, you want to see some improvement in this arena. As men’s health experts, the team at...

What Happens During a PRP Session? Oct 4th, 2021

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is fast gaining acceptance as an incredibly effective way to help repair damaged tissues more quickly. If you’re eager to try this regenerative treatment, you want to know what to expect. Here at No Mercy Sports Medicine in Miami, Florida, Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román and our team...

I’m Struggling to Lose Weight Sep 19th, 2021

You’ve tried, time and again, to lose weight, and while you’ve had a few small victories along the way, the overall effort hasn’t garnered the results you want. We assure you, you’re not alone. Studies show that half of those who diet put the weight back on in two years,...

Considering Your Treatment Options for a Musculoskeletal Injury Aug 4th, 2021

When your musculoskeletal system is functioning smoothly, you can easily make your way through your day. Of course, the opposite is true when you injure yourself, leaving you struggling with pain and limited function.  Luckily, Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román and the team here at No Mercy Sports Medicine hold the key...

Could You Benefit From Testosterone Therapy? Jul 7th, 2021

You’re frustrated by certain changes in your body, such as muscle giving way to fat or a lack of energy, in and out of the bedroom. These may be symptoms of a testosterone deficiency, which can be remedied by testosterone therapy. As sports medicine and men’s health experts, the team...

Is PRP Right for Me? Jun 10th, 2021

You’ve got achy knees, or you’re struggling with a shoulder injury that isn’t healing as well, or as quickly, as you’d like. Whatever your musculoskeletal issue, you’re tired of ineffective therapies that only treat the symptoms and not the underlying problem — and you’re understandably wary of surgery. Thanks to...

Choosing a Weight Management Program That Can Benefit Your Health May 23rd, 2021

Whether you’ve been told by a doctor that you need to lose weight or you’ve come to the conclusion on your own, you’re ready to take charge of your health through weight loss. To be successful, it’s best to choose a weight loss program that fits your own goals, health...

How Regenerative Medicine Can Treat Arthritis Pain Apr 4th, 2021

The prevalence of arthritis in the United States is bad and getting worse, thanks to an aging population that’s living longer. According to estimates from the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis affects more than 92 million people in the U.S. And it’s not just the elderly who are affected. About one in...

Is Medical Marijuana the Answer to Your Chronic Pain? Mar 11th, 2021

The controversy surrounding the medical use of marijuana is fast becoming a thing of the past. Cannabis continues to show promising results in treating everything from chronic pain to mental health issues. At No Mercy Sports Medicine in Miami, Florida, Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román and our team understand the value of...

New Beginnings: The Role of Hormones in Getting in Shape Feb 9th, 2021

Both men and women experience fluctuating hormone levels throughout their lives, some of which can greatly impact physical health. This is especially true as you age and your reproductive hormones begin to naturally decline. If you’re frustrated by your inability to get into shape — or get back into shape...

Improving Your Sexual Health Jan 11th, 2021

Like any other area of your health, your sexual health is complex, and many conditions can affect your sexual performance. In the line of fire are your libido and your ability to achieve and maintain an erection, which can be separate problems. At No Mercy Sports Medicine in Miami, Florida,...

Understanding the Best Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Injuries Dec 1st, 2020

Whether you tear your ACL running down the soccer field or sprain an ankle stepping off the curb, you know musculoskeletal injuries are both limiting and painful. To get you back into the game, or just back to functioning normally, the No Mercy Sports Medicine team offers the treatments you...

What Does Specialized Treatment for Men's Health Involve? Oct 1st, 2020

The differences between men and women are fodder for many jokes, but the reality is that the two genders benefit from specialized care that caters to the unique needs of each sex.  At No Mercy Sports Medicine, our team, led by Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román, offers specialized men’s health care, giving...

Treatment Options for Ganglion Cysts Sep 8th, 2020

When a mass or lump develops anywhere on your body, it’s always cause for concern. The good news is that if the growth is a ganglion cyst, the mass isn’t cancerous and there are several ways to go about treating the problem. At No Mercy Sports Medicine, Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román,...

How PRP Therapy Can Improve Your Sex Life Aug 31st, 2020

To kick off this discussion, it’s important to note that if you’re suffering from problems with erectile dysfunction (ED), you’re not alone: More than half of US men — of all ages — experience issues with getting and maintaining an erection. Traditionally, solutions have come in the form of little...

Understanding Stem Cell Therapy Jul 27th, 2020

Stem cell therapy is garnering an incredible amount of attention these days, and for good reason. While many have long known about the amazing regenerative power that stem cells possess, researchers are now cracking the code when it comes to harnessing this power through stem cell therapy. At No Mercy...

The Benefits of Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jun 24th, 2020

As Americans slowly make their way out of their homes, risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus may rise again, which is one of the many reasons we offer telehealth services to our patients.  Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román and our team want to ensure that you still have access to the...

6 Tips for Recovering From a Sports Injury May 19th, 2020

Whether you’re a daily runner, you participate in team sports, or you just enjoy a few hours on the courts with friends on weekends, remaining active is important to you. When injury strikes, how you handle the problem can make all the difference in how quickly, and strongly, you can...

We Offer Telemedicine Apr 17th, 2020

You’re honoring the stay-at-home orders during this COVID-19 pandemic, but that doesn’t mean you should put-off addressing your other healthcare issues or questions. As one of South Florida’s top sports medicine physicians, Moisés Irizarry-Román, MD, offers virtual visits.  Telehealth 101 Telehealth, also called telemedicine, allows you to seek care and...

Signs You’re Developing an Overuse Injury Mar 25th, 2020

Overuse injuries, as their name implies, are injuries that stem from too much strain on a certain area in your muscles or your joints, which can lead to issues like stress fractures or tendon problems. Because the problem is one that can get worse over time if not treated properly,...

What’s the Best Treatment for Rotator Cuff Injuries? Feb 1st, 2020

Every time you wave your hand, swing a tennis racket, or eat a meal, your rotator cuff is hard at work providing stability and range of motion to your shoulder. When a problem arises in this connective tissue, your life can be limited in significant ways, making finding a solution...

Five Things You Didn't Know About Hormone Replacement Therapy Jan 10th, 2020

Hormones are the chemical messengers that tell your body parts what to do and when to do it. They control your growth, metabolism, reproduction, sexual function, and moods. When you have too much or not enough of any hormone, that imbalance causes your system to react in ways that are...

What to Expect During Your Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Dec 4th, 2019

If you’ve been told you need a musculoskeletal ultrasound, it’s best to get familiar with the term, the process, and what your physician is trying to learn from it. An ultrasound is traditionally associated with pregnancy, but it has many practical applications beyond this.  There’s no denying that musculoskeletal ultrasound...

Here’s What Happens to Your Body When Your Hormones Are Imbalanced Nov 1st, 2019

Hormones are a part of the endocrine system, and they play an important role as your body’s chemical messengers. They help regulate various functions, such as your sleep cycle, metabolism, heart rate, and libido.  You don’t have to be pregnant or going through puberty for your hormones to get out...

Myths and Facts About Medical Cannabis Oct 9th, 2019

People have used cannabis, otherwise known as marijuana, to treat pain and other psychological and physical symptoms for more than 3000 years. Yet, we still question its proper usage within a medical setting. Dr. Irizarry-Román treats patients for pain and other issues at No Mercy Sports Medicine in Miami and...

Losing Weight Lowers Your Risk of These Common Health Conditions Sep 6th, 2019

Being out-of-shape, overweight or obese can impact everything from your ability to enjoy everyday activities to your self-confidence. It can also increase your risk of many ailments. That's why losing weight, and keeping the weight off, is so important. Here, at No Mercy Sports Medicine, Dr. Moises Irizarry-Roman and our...

What Makes PRP Therapy So Effective? Aug 1st, 2019

Do you experience physical pain often or very often? You definitely aren’t alone. A 2017 study found that 34.1% of Americans report dealing with pain on a daily or monthly basis. This pain can come from lots of sources, but many Americans deal with muscle, joint, and tendon pain. Injuries...

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy? Jul 1st, 2019

Are you tired of feeling tired? Have you been wondering what happened to your sex life? Are you struggling to get rid of your excess weight that’s stubbornly hanging around? You could have a hormone imbalance causing all of these symptoms and more. Hormone imbalance symptoms are often associated with...

Everything You Need to Know About Medical Cannabis Jun 1st, 2019

Medical cannabis is a treatment option that doesn’t have the serious side effects that you could have with other medications. A low-THC version of cannabis won’t get you high, but it can help you cope with symptoms of many diseases and conditions. Dr. Moises Irizarry-Román works with you to determine...

Understanding the Benefits of Low-THC Therapy May 1st, 2019

According to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic pain is one of the most common reasons American adults seek medical care. It’s also one of the most common reasons people become dependent on prescription medications, including opioids; suffer from anxiety and depression; and...

Get Your Body Healing Faster with PRP Apr 1st, 2019

When you’re suffering from pain or discomfort, the last thing you want to do is wait for your body to heal. But advancements in regenerative medicine techniques like platelet-rich plasma therapy, or PRP, can help accelerate the healing process, so you can enjoy your life again faster. Dr.  Moisés Irizarry-Román...

Are Your Joints Deteriorating? Stem Cell Therapy May Be Your Answer Mar 12th, 2019

Osteoarthritis is perhaps the most common cause of joint deterioration, affecting over 10% of the American population aged 60 and older. This number is on the rise as baby boomers get older. Largely a condition caused by wear-and-tear due to daily living and joint injuries, osteoarthritis can affect any joint...

What To do About Your Chronic Joint Pain Feb 21st, 2019

Whether from an injury or age, joint pain is common, even among young athletes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, joint pain is the No. 1 cause of disability in adults in the United States. Chronic joint pain may keep you from doing the things you enjoy,...