5 Ways to Boost Performance in Men

5 Ways to Boost Performance in Men

You used to jump out of bed in the morning, ready to take on the day, but now you don’t feel that same energy. This lack of motivation plagues you throughout the day, and you may skip your golf date with friends or date night with your partner.

Sure, aging may have something to do with this decline in performance, but there could be other culprits. At No Mercy Sports Medicine in Miami, Florida, Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román focuses on improving performance in men, from the court to the bedroom. 

In most cases, we find that one or more of the following are great ways to get patients back to their energetic selves.

1. Hormone replacement

As you get older, your body produces less testosterone. The mounting deficit can lead to testosterone deficiency (low T), which affects about 10%-40% of men in the United States. With low T, you may lose muscle mass, experience sexual dysfunction, and feel fatigued among the many side effects.

One of the best ways to combat low T is through hormone replacement therapy, which we offer here at our practice.

2. De-stressing

There’s no small amount of things to stress about in today’s world. From health scares to financial worries, stress may be consuming your life and taking its toll on your overall performance and wellness.

When your body is stuck in a stress response, your muscles are tense, your heart rate is elevated, and your brain functions differently so you can’t concentrate. As you can imagine, this can wreak havoc on your ability to perform in every area of your life.

Whether through meditation, deep breathing, or exercise, finding ways to de-stress can provide a much-needed boost to your physical and mental health.

3. Weight loss

More than one in three men (34%) are overweight in the US. Carrying extra pounds is a surefire way to decrease your performance across the board. 

If you’re overweight, we can help you lose the excess weight through our weight management services. After you lose those extra pounds, you’ll reap myriad benefits and your performance in all areas will improve.

4. Regenerative medicine

If you’re struggling with musculoskeletal pain, you’re not alone. More than 92 million people in the US have joint pain and inflammation that affects their performance.

Whether you’re dealing with arthritis or an old injury, we’ve had great success using regenerative medicine, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell used in therapies. These treatments are designed to rebuild healthier tissues so you can remain active.

5. Addressing damage sooner rather than later

You may be tempted to ignore some of the aches and pains, even as you get older, but we encourage you to seek help for these issues sooner rather than later. If you wrench a knee playing sports or twist your ankle stepping off a curb, these injuries can haunt you down the road if they’re not treated properly.

The benefits of prompt treatment for musculoskeletal injuries are almost without limit. From properly diagnosing the problem to treating it correctly, we can prevent a short-term injury from becoming a lifelong issue that decreases your performance.

If you’d like to take steps to get back to your high-performance self again, contact No Mercy Sports Medicine in Miami to schedule an appointment.

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